If Bangaldesh Bahujan and minorities might stand United against ethnic cleansing,why should we not?
The plight of partition victim refugees from erstwhile East Bengal,now Bangladesh seems to continue as refugee influx never ends across the border.The worldwide religious politics and economics has inflicted Indian subcontinent as well.Latest Orlando Genocide in United States of America has emerged as the latest Trump Card for ethnic cleansing worldwide.
We need not any Saviour as No saviour stood for us sice partition of India and everyone has to convert himself or herself as the Saviour of the refugees irrespective of identities.It is the only escape route from the eternal gas chamber!
Palash Biswas
Our organization should convert as the last life boat and no one should destroy it lest we die!At any cost ,the Dalit Refugees must unite as situation gets worser every day and Refugees may not expect alms or mercy,relief or respite from the Manusmriti Hegemony of Ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
Only passions may not change this scenario!Had it been,we had the best of slogans floated by no one else than the OMNIPOWER woman in Indian politics,Mrs Indira Gandhi.
It has proved that partition of Pakistan has not helped India to solve the inherent problems of Partition and Population transfer.
Every time Bangladesh bleeds ,it is our blood spilling in the lost homeland and we dare not to mourn!
As we never have been the sovereign citizen like the greatest Moh.Ali who could stand against the state,the religion,the hegemony of Apartheid and could say, NO to Vietnam War to opt imprisonment.
More over,the Black law,citizenship Amendment Act 2003 enacted by NDA government and modified in 2005 by Congress government has deprived us of citizenship.
It is ironical that the Dalit refugees are resettled in the Adivasi landscape and they may not stand to gather lest the Bengali Dalit Refugees should face salwa Judum as the Adivasi landscape is already a war zone.
Rather,refugees resettled in Umarkot in Navrangpur district of Orissa under Dandyakarany project were siezed within as the aftermath of Adivasi Bengali Clash for years and Politics was the villain which wanted to make Bengalise as well as Adivasi population bonded Vote Bank.
Even in Gargh Chirolly district in Maharashtra the Bengali Refugee Villages were subjected to Mass Arson to subordinate them to the Hindutva agenda.
In Malkangiri,the refugees living in the resettlement area may not move in life and death without permission.
Why to blame RSS only?
RSS managed majority only with the OBC incarnation to the helms of Power as late as in the last Loksabha Election.
The Communists in Bengal has been playing with refugee vote Bank since partition.After the demise of the Left Rule for thirty five years,Mamata Captured the Refugee and Matua Votebank and now,she does not need it.Romping home in the last election she skipped the Matua as well as Refugee faces in her ministry.
Mind you,Citizenship Amnedment Act was passed and modified with consensus in the Parliament as every political party of India branded Bengali dalit refugees ilegal migranst!
Hence,No Politics please.
Unity should be the Beej mantra and whoever may be able to lead and unite us,we should stand with him or her without question if we want to live like human beings!
However,the refugees happen to be the most suffering minorities stripped of basic civic and human rights,the victims of war,civil war,riots,development,politics,economics,religion ,caste,identity and partition and every refugee has to fight alone!It makes their plight impossible mission all the way.India has not signed the UN Charter for the refugees as yet and it makes us empty handed on humanitarian ground.
We need not any Saviour as No saviour stood for us sice partition of India and everyone has to convert himself or herself as the Saviour of the refugees irrespective of identities.It is the only escape route from the eternal gas chamber!
Only partition victim Sikh Refugees could stand united Rocjk Solid and just compare the Bangali refugees,the victims of the same partition,same holocaust,same bloodshed,where they stand.We are the most degenerated community ,thus we must suffer and we must subordinate ourselves to the Hegemony and live or die as beggars.
No government of India has ever tried to intervene in the continuous holocaust for humanity across the border and the situation as far as genocide and persecution,explained by Taslima Nasrin or Salam Azad,unchanged.
Latest Trump Card of the Global Order has worsened the sceanrio and sealing off the border would not stop refugee influx as Latest Refugee Tsunami in Americas and Europe proves it better.
I am attaching a face book post by by some Apurba Kunar Mondal on
বাংলাদেশ হিন্দু- বৌদ্ব- খৃস্টান ঐক্য পরিষদ, বরিশাল, পূজা উযযাপন পরিষদ বরিশাল ও জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদ( বরিশাল বিভাগ) সহ অন্যান্য সংগঠনের উদ্যোগে আজ ১২/০৬/১৬ তারিখ বিকালে বরিশাল অশ্বিনী কুমার টাউন হলে অনুষ্ঠিত হলো হাজারো জনগনের উপস্থিতিতে মানব বন্ধন ও বিক্ষোভ র্যালী।
দেশ ব্যাপী জঙ্গি সংগঠনের খুন, ধর্ষন, গুপ্ত হত্যার প্রতিবাদে এ প্রোগ্রাম। বিভিন্ন মন্দিরের পুরোহিত, মসজিদের ঈমাম, পুলিশ সুপারের স্ত্রীকে হত্যা সহ শত শত সাধারন সুন্দর মনের নিরাপরাধ মানুষ খুন করাকে কোনো ভাবে মেনে নেয়া যায়না।জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের বরিশাল বিভাগীয় আহবায়ক অপূর্ব কুমার বলেন, সরকারের অসাধারন উন্নয়ন, সাফল্যে একটি চক্র ঈর্ষান্নিত হয়ে, আন্তর্জাতিক ভাবে সুনাম নস্ট ও বিতর্কিত করার জন্য একটি সন্ত্রাসী চক্র এ কাজ গুলো করে চলছে। জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের পক্ষ থেকে ের তীব্র নিন্দা ও প্রতিবাদ জনাই এবং দ্রুত আইনের আওতায় এনে এর গডফাদারদের ধরে সমুলে বিনাশ দাবী করছি। এদেশের প্রতিটা সাধার শান্তিপ্রিয় মুসলিম, হিন্দু সহ সকল, পুরোহিত, ইমাম, ভিক্ষু, বুদাবিজীবী,ছাত্র- ছাত্রি,শিল্পী,শিক্ষক, মুক্তমনা উদারপন্থি লেখক,ডাক্তার, ইঞ্জিনিয়ার,সহ আজ ঝুকির মুখে জীবন যাপন করছেন।কারো জীবন এখন নিরাপত্তায় নেই। প্রত্যেকেই মত্যুর প্রহর গুনছে। সরকারের সাথ সাথে আমরাও প্রতিকার নয় প্রতিরোধ করবো, হয়তো দেশে জঙ্গি থাকবে নয়তো স্বাধীনতার- মুক্তিযুদ্বের পক্ষের লোক থাকবে। এভাবে দেশটাকে চোখের সামনে ধ্বংস হতে দেয়া যায়না আসুন জনগনকে সচেতন করি, । হয় মরবো নয়তো অধিকার নিয়েই বেচে থাকবে।
The plight of partition victim refugees from erstwhile East Bengal,now Bangladesh seems to continue as refugee influx never ends across the border.The worldwide religious politics and economics has inflicted Indian subcontinent as well.Latest Orlando Genocide in United States of America has emerged as the latest Trump Card for ethnic cleansing worldwide.
I have been insisting since my childhood that why all the refugees have to stay in transit camps and have to live on dole and why civic and human rights should not be ensured for all refugees irrespective of identity.
I used to fight with my late father why he should work for the Dalit Bengali refugees only.
In recent years,I have been insisting why the Adivasi and Refugees living together in Central India and Adivasi landscape countrywide should not stand together to ensure civic and human rights and citizenship.I have been talking to refugee and adivasi leaders and sat with them in Chattisgargh to discuss the issue.

The plight of partition victim refugees from erstwhile East Bengal,now Bangladesh seems to continue as refugee influx never ends across the border.The worldwide religious politics and economics has inflicted Indian subcontinent as well.Latest Orlando Genocide in United States of America has emerged as the latest Trump Card for ethnic cleansing worldwide.
We need not any Saviour as No saviour stood for us sice partition of India and everyone has to convert himself or herself as the Saviour of the refugees irrespective of identities.It is the only escape route from the eternal gas chamber!
Palash Biswas
Our organization should convert as the last life boat and no one should destroy it lest we die!At any cost ,the Dalit Refugees must unite as situation gets worser every day and Refugees may not expect alms or mercy,relief or respite from the Manusmriti Hegemony of Ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
Only passions may not change this scenario!Had it been,we had the best of slogans floated by no one else than the OMNIPOWER woman in Indian politics,Mrs Indira Gandhi.
It has proved that partition of Pakistan has not helped India to solve the inherent problems of Partition and Population transfer.
Every time Bangladesh bleeds ,it is our blood spilling in the lost homeland and we dare not to mourn!
As we never have been the sovereign citizen like the greatest Moh.Ali who could stand against the state,the religion,the hegemony of Apartheid and could say, NO to Vietnam War to opt imprisonment.
More over,the Black law,citizenship Amendment Act 2003 enacted by NDA government and modified in 2005 by Congress government has deprived us of citizenship.
It is ironical that the Dalit refugees are resettled in the Adivasi landscape and they may not stand to gather lest the Bengali Dalit Refugees should face salwa Judum as the Adivasi landscape is already a war zone.
Rather,refugees resettled in Umarkot in Navrangpur district of Orissa under Dandyakarany project were siezed within as the aftermath of Adivasi Bengali Clash for years and Politics was the villain which wanted to make Bengalise as well as Adivasi population bonded Vote Bank.
Even in Gargh Chirolly district in Maharashtra the Bengali Refugee Villages were subjected to Mass Arson to subordinate them to the Hindutva agenda.
In Malkangiri,the refugees living in the resettlement area may not move in life and death without permission.
Why to blame RSS only?
RSS managed majority only with the OBC incarnation to the helms of Power as late as in the last Loksabha Election.
The Communists in Bengal has been playing with refugee vote Bank since partition.After the demise of the Left Rule for thirty five years,Mamata Captured the Refugee and Matua Votebank and now,she does not need it.Romping home in the last election she skipped the Matua as well as Refugee faces in her ministry.
Mind you,Citizenship Amnedment Act was passed and modified with consensus in the Parliament as every political party of India branded Bengali dalit refugees ilegal migranst!
Hence,No Politics please.
Unity should be the Beej mantra and whoever may be able to lead and unite us,we should stand with him or her without question if we want to live like human beings!
However,the refugees happen to be the most suffering minorities stripped of basic civic and human rights,the victims of war,civil war,riots,development,politics,economics,religion ,caste,identity and partition and every refugee has to fight alone!It makes their plight impossible mission all the way.India has not signed the UN Charter for the refugees as yet and it makes us empty handed on humanitarian ground.
We need not any Saviour as No saviour stood for us sice partition of India and everyone has to convert himself or herself as the Saviour of the refugees irrespective of identities.It is the only escape route from the eternal gas chamber!
Only partition victim Sikh Refugees could stand united Rocjk Solid and just compare the Bangali refugees,the victims of the same partition,same holocaust,same bloodshed,where they stand.We are the most degenerated community ,thus we must suffer and we must subordinate ourselves to the Hegemony and live or die as beggars.
No government of India has ever tried to intervene in the continuous holocaust for humanity across the border and the situation as far as genocide and persecution,explained by Taslima Nasrin or Salam Azad,unchanged.
Latest Trump Card of the Global Order has worsened the sceanrio and sealing off the border would not stop refugee influx as Latest Refugee Tsunami in Americas and Europe proves it better.
I am attaching a face book post by by some Apurba Kunar Mondal on
Sudra Samachar!Irerespective of inherent ideological bias the naration reflects the day to day genocide and persecution in Bangladesh and it also reflects the inactive Indian politics and diplomacy as it has always been since 15,August 1947 just because the suffering victims are Dalit Hindus meaning Non Hindus to be used as Hindu Votebank to sustain the hegemony.
দেশ ব্যাপী জঙ্গি সংগঠনের খুন, ধর্ষন, গুপ্ত হত্যার প্রতিবাদে এ প্রোগ্রাম। বিভিন্ন মন্দিরের পুরোহিত, মসজিদের ঈমাম, পুলিশ সুপারের স্ত্রীকে হত্যা সহ শত শত সাধারন সুন্দর মনের নিরাপরাধ মানুষ খুন করাকে কোনো ভাবে মেনে নেয়া যায়না।জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের বরিশাল বিভাগীয় আহবায়ক অপূর্ব কুমার বলেন, সরকারের অসাধারন উন্নয়ন, সাফল্যে একটি চক্র ঈর্ষান্নিত হয়ে, আন্তর্জাতিক ভাবে সুনাম নস্ট ও বিতর্কিত করার জন্য একটি সন্ত্রাসী চক্র এ কাজ গুলো করে চলছে। জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের পক্ষ থেকে ের তীব্র নিন্দা ও প্রতিবাদ জনাই এবং দ্রুত আইনের আওতায় এনে এর গডফাদারদের ধরে সমুলে বিনাশ দাবী করছি। এদেশের প্রতিটা সাধার শান্তিপ্রিয় মুসলিম, হিন্দু সহ সকল, পুরোহিত, ইমাম, ভিক্ষু, বুদাবিজীবী,ছাত্র- ছাত্রি,শিল্পী,শিক্ষক, মুক্তমনা উদারপন্থি লেখক,ডাক্তার, ইঞ্জিনিয়ার,সহ আজ ঝুকির মুখে জীবন যাপন করছেন।কারো জীবন এখন নিরাপত্তায় নেই। প্রত্যেকেই মত্যুর প্রহর গুনছে। সরকারের সাথ সাথে আমরাও প্রতিকার নয় প্রতিরোধ করবো, হয়তো দেশে জঙ্গি থাকবে নয়তো স্বাধীনতার- মুক্তিযুদ্বের পক্ষের লোক থাকবে। এভাবে দেশটাকে চোখের সামনে ধ্বংস হতে দেয়া যায়না আসুন জনগনকে সচেতন করি, । হয় মরবো নয়তো অধিকার নিয়েই বেচে থাকবে।
The plight of partition victim refugees from erstwhile East Bengal,now Bangladesh seems to continue as refugee influx never ends across the border.The worldwide religious politics and economics has inflicted Indian subcontinent as well.Latest Orlando Genocide in United States of America has emerged as the latest Trump Card for ethnic cleansing worldwide.
I have been insisting since my childhood that why all the refugees have to stay in transit camps and have to live on dole and why civic and human rights should not be ensured for all refugees irrespective of identity.
I used to fight with my late father why he should work for the Dalit Bengali refugees only.
In recent years,I have been insisting why the Adivasi and Refugees living together in Central India and Adivasi landscape countrywide should not stand together to ensure civic and human rights and citizenship.I have been talking to refugee and adivasi leaders and sat with them in Chattisgargh to discuss the issue.

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