Despite the vote bank mobilization,RSS led Hindutva governance is not ready to scrap the black law Citizenship amendment act and as long as the law remains some amendments and some provision like working permit type citizenship may not help refugees at all.Thus,refugees should prepare themselves for longer and stronger movement and do every thing to stand united rock solid.
Rather RSS has handed over most sensitive Assam to ULFA and it would be a tougher challenge to defend our people already deprived of citizenship,civic and human rights even in Bengal not to mention Assam or any other part of the Nation.
I have nothing to do with leadership or caste in fight!I would support the refugee cause and its unity whatsoever might come,whosoever might lead!
I would like refugee leaders to stand united and refrain from caste oriented politics as well as political interference as we have already seen the self destruction of our great Matua Movement led by Harichand Guruchand Tahkur.
Palash Biswas
Namoshudra sangathan traditionally headed Dalit movement in Undivided Bengal and it is not only a caste organisation.The original organization might not be traced at all.I know very little about the All India Namoshudra Vikash Parishad and its activities neither I am concerned as no caste organization has hitherto played any significant role to voice the plight of partition victim refugees.
I am concerned with the cause of Bengali Dalit refugees and basically I am interested in the Annihilation of Caste Mission launched by Baba Saheb.
Moreover I would never support in fight among the suffering masses.
Rather I would like our people to stand rock solid united.
Nikhil Bharat Udvastu Samanyaya Samity has the All India network and it is fighting the cause of the refugee welfare.
I believe that no one should disintegrate the hard earn unity of the Bengali Refugees on the name of caste organization.
I am not going to lead any organization nor the leadership matter for me.I support the cause and the unity of the suffering masses.
I am rather worried to read this news item and afraid that it would inflict the refugee organization sooner or later.
There are serious differences as there should be in any democratic organization.The leadership might be challenged and of course,might be changed if alternative leadership is ready to take over the helms of the organization and movement.
I would like refugee leaders to stand united and refrain from caste oriented politics as well as political interference as we have already seen the self destruction of our great Matua Movement led by Harichand Guruchand Tahkur.
We should learn from it and try to unite ourselves as the plight of refugees scattered countrywide is bound to worsen and ULFA like elements are bound to create very dangerous problems sooner or later.
Despite the vote bank mobilization,RSS led Hindutva governance is not ready to scrap the black law Citizenship amendment act and as long as the law remains some amendments and some provision like working permit type citizenship may not help refugees at all.Thus,refugees should prepare themselves for longer and stronger movement and do every thing to stand united rock solid.
Rather RSS has handed over most sensitive Assam to ULFA and it would be a tougher challenge to defend our people already deprived of citizenship,civic and human rights even in Bengal not to mention Assam or any other part of the Nation.
Please behave yourselves with a wider Vision so we may work in the best interest of the deprived masses including the Dalit Hindu Partition Victims.
Dr.Subodh Biswas has done an excellent work to organize the All India network which I could not imagine while we first launched the organization in 2003 in Nagpur demanding to scrap the KALA KANOON,citizenship amendment act.
Until we have yet another leader to hold us together,it is better that he should continue.I have no problem.If the organization chooses another leader ,I would also corporate him. Because my cause and objective remain the same.
On the other hand,I would suggest my brother Dr.Subodh Biswas to opt for collective leadership and inclusion in leadership.
Why should he be overloaded with work?
But at the same time,criticism is not enough we have to assist Dr.Biswas to have an efficient team to continue the movement.I do not question his integrity and do not challenge his tactical line in accordance with different situation.
I would like everyone not to be involved in caste politics as we have to face the tougher challenges ahead to sustain as human beings!
Subject: গাজোলে "অলইন্ডিয়া নমশূদ্র বিকাশ পরিষদের" সম্মেলন সফল।সংগঠন বিরোধী কার্যকলাপের জন্য মুকুল বৈরাগ্য ও যুগল কিশোর সরকার সংগঠন থেকে বহিস্কৃত। রাষ্ট্রব্যাপি নমশূদ্র সংগঠন করার সংকল্প। শ্রী হরিপদ বিশ্বাস।
গাজোলে "অলইন্ডিয়া নমশূদ্র বিকাশ পরিষদের" সম্মেলন সফল। গাজোলে "অলইন্ডিয়া নমশূদ্র বিকাশ পরিষদের" সম্মেলন সফল।
সফল।সংগঠন বিরোধী কার্যকলাপের জন্য মুকুল বৈরাগ্য ও যুগল কিশোর সরকার সংগঠন থেকে বহিস্কৃত। রাষ্ট্রব্যাপি নমশূদ্র সংগঠন করার সংকল্প। শ্রী হরিপদ বিশ্বাস।

Dr Subodh Biswas
National President
Nikhil Bharat Bangali Udbastu Samanway Samiti
27, Bajrang Nagar, Jadumahal Road, Nagapur
Cell: 9422128897
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